Dr. Tatyana's Health and Wellness Blog
Treating the whole person to restore optimal health. Check back often for up-to-date news and information about acupunture and Chinese medicine.
Here are the most commonly asked questions in the month of November this year!
Answer: Systemic- it goes to your blood stream for more immediate impact. Local- will stimulate acupuncture meridians increasing overall effectiveness of treatment.
A: In traditional Chinse medicine, emotion fears connect to meridian Kidney and adrenal glands. These organs play a significant role in neuroendocrine regulation of mood related hormones. Placing the needles in specific acupuncture points will unblock the meridian, stimulate parasympathetic nervous system, and bring more blood to the organs and promote healing. Simply put, you will feel better and more grounded.
A: Hypnotherapy is safe and powerful tool to overcome anxiety, depression, fears, anger, overthinking, insomnia – all emotional problems which cause overeating.
A: Safety is our 1st priority. We are screening each patient who enters our office, disinfecting surfaces (between appointments) and using high grade air filters. Practitioners and patients wear masks. Hands are sanitized and washed multiple times during each appointment.
A: Combination of acupuncture and health coaching sessions are very powerful in overcoming stress. Acupuncture will relax and balance your emotional and physical health. Health coaching sessions will help you to find the right tools to adjust and manage daily life in this difficult time.