Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fall

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Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fall
Written By: Dr. Tatyana ~ 10/17/2022


As the seasons shift from summer to fall, so does the Qi (or energy) in the universe as well as within our bodies. Each session represents by the nature element. Autumn is represented by the metal element, which includes the lung and large intestine meridians. The emotion often associated with the lung meridian is sadness and grief. This is the time of year to let go, to finish projects which you have not yet completed and embrace the coming of a new season.

One easy way to benefit the lung organ is breathing exercises. Practice breathing in through your nose and focus on filling your lungs deep with your breath, down into your abdomen. Hold that breath for a count of five and slowly exhale out of your mouth trying to get all your breath exhaled from the very bottom of the lungs. You can repeat this several times as well as a few times throughout the day. Not only will this help build your lung Qi, but it will also relax and center you. This is important in the midsts of our busy lives.

Good sleep habits are also essential for health, wellbeing as well as the lung’s Qi. Early to bed and early to rise will help invigorate you and set each day off full steam ahead.

In summertime many people indulge in lots of raw and fresh fruits and vegetables. For our bodies, digesting these raw foods can use up a lot of our Qi, but in the summer the heat of the summer can balance some of this as the raw foods have a more cooling aspect to them. As we transition to autumn, it is also a time to transition our diet and move towards more warming foods. Soups, stews, warm beverages, cooked fruits, and vegetables. Fall can be abundant with amazing fresh produce that is seasonally appropriate-- pears, garlic, leeks, beans, apples, onions, ginger, and leafy greens and pumpkin.

The lungs are also integral for our Wei Qi, which is our protective Qi, akin to the immune system. As the lungs are connected to the nose and the mouth, it is important to be mindful of this. Using a neti pot can help rinse out the nasal and sinus passages. Using a warm saltwater mixture will help reduce your chances of colds and allergies. As the temperature shifts, so should our attire. Keep your body warm and appropriately covered, including a scarf around the neck as needed. It is a great time of year to go for long walks and hikes in nature but keep yourself well prepared to keep your body strong.

Acupuncture can be one of essential modality to keep your body in balance, strengthens your immune system and improves your energy.

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