Dr. Tatyana's Health and Wellness Blog
Treating the whole person to restore optimal health. Check back often for up-to-date news and information about acupunture and Chinese medicine.
First, let me say CONGRATULATIONS for making the choice to heal your body! The first step toward becoming “smoke free” is to identify when and where your smoking cravings occur, i.e. after eating, after a cup of coffee, during stressful situations, etc. When you become aware of the triggers that precede your cravings, it will become easier for you to begin to break the habit. As long as you refrain from grabbing a cigarette for about 10-20 minutes after the craving trigger, you will have a much better chance of quitting. As time ticks by, it will become easier to remove yourself from the cravings, and you may even forget you wanted a cigarette in the first place.
Click here to view a few techniques that have been proven effective -